The precious metals of Gold and Silver saw net February changes of +$13.50 (0.5%) to $2848.50, and -$0.77 (2.4%) to $31.50 respectively.
Gold, monthly1b
Silver, monthly1b
Gold: printing a new historic high of $2974.00, if cooling back to settle in the $2848s. Price momentum ticked a little lower, if remaining on the high side. I would note the monthly 10MA at $2610, which was settled above, as the m/t trend remains bullish.
Giant psy' $3K is clearly viable within March. Lower bond yields and a weaker
dollar would help, but aren't a necessity.
Silver: printing $34.24, but cooling back to settle at $31.50.
Momentum weakened a little, if remaining on
the moderately high side.
I would note the monthly 10MA at $30.64, which was settled above, as the s/t trend remains bullish
Relative to 2011 - when Gold $1923 and Silver $49s, gold is far outperforming silver. Even the bold will continue to favour gold, which would
better capture a geo-political 'fear bid'.
The gold-silver ratio increased to 90.44, and remains historically
high. I'd accept that on a very long term basis (5+ years) silver could
be expected to outperform gold.
As ever, ratio charts should be
especially treated with caution.
Price action is far more important than any ratio.
With Bitcoin cooling back to $84K, the Gold-Bitcoin ratio has fallen, settling February at 29.66. It remains a
curious thought to realise that it takes almost thirty 1oz gold coins to
purchase a crypto coin, the latter of which has an intrinsic
value of $0.00
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